Date: 22 / November / 2011
Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS)
- Object of the tender: Hiring of the Comprehensive Subrogated Hemodialysis Service, years 2012 y 2013, for the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS)
- Tender number: LA-019GYR047-T58-2011
- Nature of the tender: International Public Tender under Free Trade Agreements (FTA)
- Applicable regulations: Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector (LAASSP)
Witness recommendations:
- It is suggested that the institution carry out a timely planning exercise with coordinated participation between the convening and user or requesting areas for the proper development of the bidding processes that allow obtaining quality services at reasonable prices.
- We consider that the market research services contracted by the institution must have full knowledge of its needs and of the regulatory framework to which the acquisitions of goods and services from the public sector are subject.
- We propose that the request of the entity to the Ministry of Public Function for the designation of Social Witness in order to carry out the corresponding attestation, must be accompanied by a detailed planning that contemplates the approval of the budgetary aspects of the goods or services to be acquired and supported by the results of the market research carried out.
- In order to comply with current regulations on the matter, it is recommended to reactivate the installation and operation of the Call Review Committee, which would allow the integration and approval of complete, clear and precise bases that, as a consequence, would reduce requests for clarification by the bidders.
Witness Opinion:
It should be noted that, throughout the procedure, given that more than 11 months have elapsed from the date of appointment of the Social Witness by the Public Procurement Regulations Unit of the Ministry of Public Administration, and that at the date the hemodialysis services have not been specified, they denote the lack of planning and deficiencies in the execution of the bidding process.
Check the Testimony
Health ,
2011 ,
Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS by its acronym in Spanish) ,
Social Witness ,