Date: 28 / December / 2018
Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS by its acronym in Spanish)
- Object of the tender: Acquisition of Therapeutic Goods of the Groups 010 Medications, 030 Formulas and 040 Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropics, to cover the needs of the 2019 Financial Year”
- Tender number: LA-050GYR047-E45-2018
- Nature of the tender: Electronic International Public Tender under the Coverage of Free Trade Agreements (FTA)
- Applicable regulations: Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector (LAASSP by its acronym in Spanish)
Witness comment:
The Social Witness observed that, except for the situation observed regarding the Notice published at 8:28 p.m. on November 12, 2018, mentioned in Section 3.5.- Clarification Meeting, the other stages of the Process were carried out adhering to what provided in the Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector, its Regulations and the provisions of the Call for Tender. Due to the foregoing, this Social Witness considers that the International Public Tender under the Coverage of Electronic Free Trade Agreements No. LA-050GYR047-E45-2018, for the "Acquisition of Therapeutic Goods of Groups 010 Medications, 030 Formulas and 040 Narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs, to cover the needs of the 2019 Fiscal Year”, of the Mexican Social Security Institute, was carried out in compliance with the provisions of Article 134 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, as described in the Acquisitions Law , Leases and Services of the Public Sector, its Regulations, the Call and Applicable Internal Regulations, prevailing transparency and equal conditions for all participants.
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Health ,
2018 ,
Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS by its acronym in Spanish) ,
Social Witness ,