Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX Exploration and Production)
- Object of the tender: Leasing, without purchase option, of: Four (4) Self-Elevating Marine Drilling Platforms, Cantilever type; including its integral maintenance, to operate in Mexican waters of the Gulf of Mexico (A/E LXXXVII, I, TMA and HT) (Package 7)
- Tender number: 18575088~13-11
- Character of the tender: International Public Tender
- Applicable regulations: Petróleos Mexicanos Law (PEMEX LAW)
- Modality: Open
Witness comments:
- The development of each of the events (Publication of the Call and Bidding Bases; Clarification Meetings; Prequalification of the companies; Evaluation of Prequalifications; Presentation and Opening of Proposals; Administrative, Technical and Economic Evaluations; Judgment and Formalization of the Contract), it adhered to the provisions of the established regulations and internal policies, which are applicable to it.
- When there was a need to reschedule the event, it was done with anticipation and in the manner established by regulations. Regarding the technical aspect, the Social Witness observed that when a company was disqualified, this disqualification was correctly based on the applicable regulations.
- Of the four items subject to the tender, Pemex Exploration and Production declared void 3 items (Items Nos. 2, 3 and 4) in accordance with the provisions of the Fifteenth Rule of the Rules of the Bidding Bases, assigning only one of them (Item No. 1).
Check the Testimony
Petróleos Mexicanos Law (PEMEX LAW) ,
PEMEX Exploration and Production ,
2011 ,
Social Witness ,