The Social Witness observed that all the stages of the Contest were carried out adhering to the provisions of the Public-Private Associations Law, its Regulations and the provisions of the Contest Bases. Derived from the foregoing, this Social Witness concludes that the Mixed International Public Tender under the Coverage of Free Trade Agreements with a Chapter on Government Procurement, No. APP-019GYR040-E3-2017, for the 'Provision of Complementary Services to Services Doctors provided by the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), which includes the Design, Construction, Equipment, Operation and Maintenance of a 260-bed Regional General Hospital (HGR), in the state of Mexico, municipality of Tepotzotlán”, was carried out carried out in compliance with the provisions of article 134 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, as described in the Public-Private Associations Law, its Regulations, the Contest Bases and applicable internal regulations, prevailing impartiality, transparency and equal conditions for all participants.