Date: 12 / February / 2009
Light and Force of the Center (LFyC)
- Object of the tender: Hiring of the Comprehensive Medical Service and its Administration, aimed at Trustworthy Active Personnel, Retirees and their Beneficiaries that the Management of their position carried out
- Tender number: 1850000-001-09
- Character of the tender: National Public Tender
- Applicable regulations: Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector (LAASSP by its acronym in Spanish)
Witness observations:
It is considered that this Bidding Process has been a very enriching experience for the Bidders and for the Convening Authority. An important lesson can be seen in this experience, which will surely be instructive for the better development of the new Bidding Process of the second Call. That allows to ensure the best conditions for the Mexican State in terms of economy, effectiveness, efficiency, timeliness, transparency and honesty.
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Energy ,
Light and Force of the Center ,
2009 ,
Social Witness ,