National Polytechnic Institute (IPN)
- Object of the tender: Hiring of the comprehensive cleaning and gardening service required by the National Polytechnic Institute
- Tender number: LA-011B00001-N5-2012
- Character of the tender: National Public Tender
- Applicable regulations: Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector (LAASSP)
Witness comments:
The Social Witness observed that the procedure for Hiring the comprehensive cleaning and gardening service required by the National Polytechnic Institute was carried out within the legal framework of the Law on Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector (LAASSP).
Despite the fact that the Social Witness did not participate in the initial events (Review and Publication of the Call for Tender and Clarification Meetings), the development of the events carried out adhered to the provisions of the regulations and established internal policies.
Regarding the economic aspect, the Social Witness observed that, for the award of the Items, the convening party awarded them to the only bidder that complied with the technical requirements of the Call for Tender, in particular the requirements requested in the Technical Annex of the Bases, determining that the prices offered are acceptable and its proposal is economically solvent.
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2012 ,
Social Witness ,