Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX Exploration and Production)
- Object of the tender: Policy for the Risks related to the Drilling of Wells in Deep Waters and, where appropriate, damage to the platforms and their Drilling Equipment, including the Coverage of Expenses for the control of Wells, expenses in the Drilling phase, Filtration, Contamination and Cleaning, as well as Civil Liability Coverage
- Tender number: LA-018T4I006-N21-2015
- Character of the tender: National Electronic Public Tender
- Applicable regulations: Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector (LAASSP by its acronym in Spanish)
> Witness comments:
The development of the Policy Delivery act was carried out with transparency and in accordance with the Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector, as well as the provisions of points k.2 of the Contract of the Convener of the Public Tender No. LA-018T4I006-N21-2015 and point V. Date, place and time for signing the contract (delivery of the policy) of the Certificate of Judgment corresponding to Public Tender No. LA-018T4I006-N21-2015.
Check the Testimony
PEMEX Exploration and Production ,
2015 ,
Testimony ,
Social Witness ,