Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT by its acronym in Spanish)
- Object of the tender: Acquisition of Digital Televisions, considered for the Transition Program to Digital Terrestrial Television
- Tender number: LA-009000987-N19-2015
- Character of the tender: National Electronic Public Tender
- Applicable regulations: Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector (LAASSP by its acronym in Spanish)
Witness comments:
The Social Witness observed that all the stages of the bidding process were carried out adhering to the provisions of the Public Sector Acquisitions, Leasing and Services Law (LAASSP), its Regulations and the provisions of the Bidding Announcement, as well as to the clarifications and responses given at the Clarification Meetings.
According to what was observed by the Social Witness, for the award of the contract, the Convener verified that the awarded bidder complied with the most convenient technical, legal and economic requirements for the Ministry of Communications and Transportation.
Check the Testimony
Ministry of Communications and Transportation ,
2015 ,
Testimony ,
Social Witness ,